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Tips on writing a Ph.D. Thesis
Here are 7 tips on writing your Ph.D. Thesis
Do not stress
Don’t get daunted by the amount of writing. Its important to have clear mind while writing your thesis. Take regular breaks while writing
Keeping track of time
Your productivity would increase if you figure out how to manage your time. Don’t meaninglessly surf through internet as it increases stress and delays work. Plan your writing schedule for better results
Acting decisive
Because of time constraint Ph.D. student should always be able to focus on relevant aspects of research. One should be able to prioritize work and make quick decision on cutting down loose ends.
Completing research prior
Make sure you have enough data and complete experiment results before starting your thesis. It might not be the best Ph.D.,but it can be helpful to realize that results aren’t going to change and focusing on thesis
Maintaining consistency
Set certain target for everyday in terms of writing your thesis for eg: 500-900 words per day. Pre-decide on month you’ll dedicate solely on writing your thesis. Maintaining consistency would reduce stress and end time rush. It would also result in quality work
Regular feedback
It is advisable to take regular feedback from your guide as this will help in maintain right direction of the thesis. It would also give diverse perspective
Do not follow chronology
Work on each chapter while it is fresh in your mind or pertinent to what you are doing at that moment but come back to it all later and work it up into a consistent, coherent piece.
Check for errors & plagiarism
Check for spelling mistakes & errors. This is where careful note-taking and use of references is invaluable and will help you to avoid even inadvertently plagiarising another work.

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